Monday, August 30, 2010

I learned something interesting today

I want  to take a more green turn in my life and I will therefor promote green things, a green way of life and a green thinking. Today I read about this:
It's actually possible to run your car on WATER!!! Or, atleast a part of the fuel you use could be water.
I  had to read more about it and it seems like not only can you help saving the enviroment by start using water along with gas in your car, also, you DO save money on it! I mean, common, water is still much cheaper then GAS, atleast last time I checked.
There is so much Hydrogen NATURALLY stored in Water (there for: Water Hybrids) it's hard to believe manufacturers have not started installing HHO Generators in ALL of their cars.
Here is a YouTube Video showing how SIMPLE it is to create On-Demand Hydrogen using just water and a car battery..

Please have a look at this --> HERE <--


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday night fever

Not really fever but, not feeling tiptop either. Oh man I tell you, I didnt get home until 4.30 am or so.. Well, I had fun atleast! I think I will be home and just chill today. I havent even had something to eat yet and my hair is a mess! Oh I was looking into that with cars and I actually found some pictures of another car we had this spring. I think I posted it on Facebook allready, earlier, but I am not sure so here it is

So, its not a new car, its not even ours but we had it for some time in the spring and I really, really like it! Beautiful lines, a real piece of art.. 

Write more laters /Tanja

Friday, August 27, 2010


Yes, its girlsnight so I wont be online later on. 1:st we will gather at my place, have some drinks and then we'll have escort to city ( Milan and his friend's gonna drive us ). We're attending some nightclubs such as Sturehof and CaféOpera. Actually, we are invited to join a couple of other friends at a place called Riche, but we will see what happens. Café Opera is a bit.. hm.. how to explain... Its just too much wannabees there. Its a great place, always been but its at the same time know to be a place for drugs and other bad experiences. Sturehof on the other hand is a bit more luxury and a visit there could always meen close encounters with celebrities of all kinds. Oh, Sweden isnt such a big country but in Stockholm we are atleast over 1 million people. I enjoy the nightlife here, we always have a great time :-)
Stockholm by night can be beautiful, especially in the summernight ( although its rather cold today ).

Is any of my readers swedish? Would be cool, just contact me if so!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

What cars do you like?

I like BMW first of all. We have a BMW, unfortunatly I dont have any photo of it here but I will get that soon and post :-)

This summer we had this car ( found this photo in my boyfriends folder ). We drowe down to Croatia and back with this car and I have to say that this was the best car I have ever traveled in. We never had any problem at all. Not even when we visited Serbia and Montenegro ( where the roads are very bad sometimes ) .. Unfortunatly my boyfriend only borrowed this car :(

I have much more pictures of cars we have used, I will post them if someone is interested :-)
Kristin Kreuk

This girl ( known from Smallville for example ) is what natural beauty is all about. Just look at her, her green eyes, beautiful lines, natural lips, nose.. Everything.. She is truely one of the girls that inspired me to go-green haha.. What do you think of her?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Good night everyone, sweet dreams <3

Gonna take a bath now after dinner

Just wanted to let you all know that I am still here, I WILL continue the blogging and I will keep you all up-to-date with what I am doing :-)
Right now I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come home. He had to go to the other side of town to pick up a car. He works in a creditcompany. This company also sells exclusive cars ( wich he has to collect back if the buyer dont pay his revenue or so, I am not really so into his buisness ). I'll tell you about my boyfriend some. He is from former Yugoslavia ( just like me ). He was born in Serbia while I was born in Croatia. He came to Sweden around the same time as I did, almost 20 years ago. My bf's name is Milan. Milan and I met like 3 years ago and we live togheter in a flat south of Stockholm. Since almost all my friends on internet is Americans or atleast englishspeaking - I decided to write also this blog in English. I hope my Swedish friends forgives me ;)

Now IF you read me here, please let me know what you think I should write about and such. And please leave comments if you read, that would make me feel.. Hm, less alone in universe , haha..

I'll be back in a while, take care all and remember that I really love you all.. You are the reason I write at all <3

My blog is ..

.. Soon 1 day old. I need to start feeling comfortable with this; writing to you - about me. I do like to share, I am just not very used to it yet :-)
What would you like to read about? How should I design my blog? Please leave some feedback people, after all, its ONLY for and because of you I write!!
Will you read my blog every day? Will you tell people to come here and read? I figure I'll share some of my favorite music, videos, photos and links, that is what you do in a blog right? Ah yes, thats true, not only am I a newbie to write blog - I never even read blogs either :( So, I have not so good experience when it comes to the content of the blog.. Anyway, I'll write something again soon and meanwhile, post me some feedback!!!! BIG <3 /Tanja

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Queen - 'We Will Rock You'

Queen - 'Another One Bites the Dust'

We are the World - Pavarotti and Friends

Mariah Carey & Trey Lorenz - I'll be there

I have never cried so much as I did this night. God has some strange tactic when he takes the best ones first.. Amen

Mariah Carey - My All (Pavaroti and Friends 1999)

Molly Sandén - Hallelujah ( Swedish Version )

This feels great

It feels great to have my own blog! I mean, now I am on Twitter, on Facebook AND on blogger :P
We will see how much time I will have to write on this blog, but I am gonna try to be active every day.
Me and my girlfriends have a thing going on. We have a team on twitter and we are gonna make some sort of team on Facebook aswell. Probably they will start to write blogs too.

Lets just say I am very, very happy that you found your way here. I dont know advertising so I have to count on people to spread the word about my blogg and twitter.

Why is it so important to me to attending in social networks? I dont know really, basicly I am a girl that need attention and friends, a lot of friends!

Thanx again for joining me here. Please let your friends know about my blog too :-)

Love /Tanja