Monday, August 30, 2010

I learned something interesting today

I want  to take a more green turn in my life and I will therefor promote green things, a green way of life and a green thinking. Today I read about this:
It's actually possible to run your car on WATER!!! Or, atleast a part of the fuel you use could be water.
I  had to read more about it and it seems like not only can you help saving the enviroment by start using water along with gas in your car, also, you DO save money on it! I mean, common, water is still much cheaper then GAS, atleast last time I checked.
There is so much Hydrogen NATURALLY stored in Water (there for: Water Hybrids) it's hard to believe manufacturers have not started installing HHO Generators in ALL of their cars.
Here is a YouTube Video showing how SIMPLE it is to create On-Demand Hydrogen using just water and a car battery..

Please have a look at this --> HERE <--


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