Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gonna take a bath now after dinner

Just wanted to let you all know that I am still here, I WILL continue the blogging and I will keep you all up-to-date with what I am doing :-)
Right now I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come home. He had to go to the other side of town to pick up a car. He works in a creditcompany. This company also sells exclusive cars ( wich he has to collect back if the buyer dont pay his revenue or so, I am not really so into his buisness ). I'll tell you about my boyfriend some. He is from former Yugoslavia ( just like me ). He was born in Serbia while I was born in Croatia. He came to Sweden around the same time as I did, almost 20 years ago. My bf's name is Milan. Milan and I met like 3 years ago and we live togheter in a flat south of Stockholm. Since almost all my friends on internet is Americans or atleast englishspeaking - I decided to write also this blog in English. I hope my Swedish friends forgives me ;)

Now IF you read me here, please let me know what you think I should write about and such. And please leave comments if you read, that would make me feel.. Hm, less alone in universe , haha..

I'll be back in a while, take care all and remember that I really love you all.. You are the reason I write at all <3


  1. Its nice your so friendly. Most people dont care. my parents are from Croatia. I was born In Australia. Take care, Tone Boss

  2. You are friendly too :-) Are your parents from there, wow, thats just great! Pozdrav :-)
