Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My blog is ..

.. Soon 1 day old. I need to start feeling comfortable with this; writing to you - about me. I do like to share, I am just not very used to it yet :-)
What would you like to read about? How should I design my blog? Please leave some feedback people, after all, its ONLY for and because of you I write!!
Will you read my blog every day? Will you tell people to come here and read? I figure I'll share some of my favorite music, videos, photos and links, that is what you do in a blog right? Ah yes, thats true, not only am I a newbie to write blog - I never even read blogs either :( So, I have not so good experience when it comes to the content of the blog.. Anyway, I'll write something again soon and meanwhile, post me some feedback!!!! BIG <3 /Tanja

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