Friday, August 27, 2010


Yes, its girlsnight so I wont be online later on. 1:st we will gather at my place, have some drinks and then we'll have escort to city ( Milan and his friend's gonna drive us ). We're attending some nightclubs such as Sturehof and CaféOpera. Actually, we are invited to join a couple of other friends at a place called Riche, but we will see what happens. Café Opera is a bit.. hm.. how to explain... Its just too much wannabees there. Its a great place, always been but its at the same time know to be a place for drugs and other bad experiences. Sturehof on the other hand is a bit more luxury and a visit there could always meen close encounters with celebrities of all kinds. Oh, Sweden isnt such a big country but in Stockholm we are atleast over 1 million people. I enjoy the nightlife here, we always have a great time :-)
Stockholm by night can be beautiful, especially in the summernight ( although its rather cold today ).

Is any of my readers swedish? Would be cool, just contact me if so!


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